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Trouble with the example of advectionDiffusionReaction

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Trouble with the example of advectionDiffusionReaction

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  • #8642

    I am a completely beginner of OpenLB, so maybe I am asking a stupid question..
    I encountered an error while implementing the example of advectionDiffusionReaction.
    While the computation, the message like below emerged and nothing is generated (like pictures of results in the tmp folder).

    [error] temperature-L1-absolute-error=0.00766468
    [error] temperature-L1-relative-error=0.000628196
    [error] temperature-Linf-absolute-error=0.00198595
    [error] temperature-Linf-relative-error=0.000961182
    [error] temperature-L2-absolute-error=0.00307448
    [error] temperature-L2-relative-error=0.000699666

    How can I solve it?
    Sorry for very beginning question..


    This is not a program error but simply the difference between simulated and reference solution in various norms (numerical error).

    There is nothing to fix, this is the program running as it is supposed to.

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