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Two-phase LBM-DEM

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  • #8182


    I am trying to simulate a problem that includes liquid, air, and solid particles. For example, consider simulating this problem: pouring dry grains onto the liquid/air interface in a tank. I was wondering if you have a code available that includes both a two-phase model as well as DEM incorporated into the LBM. Please advise what is the closest example code to this problem, or how to use OpenLB for this purpose.



    Hello Javad,

    I am not a developer but I do not think such complex problem is yet to be addressed in OpenLB. In addition, OpenLB does not use Discrete Element Method (DEM) to handle the physics of solid particles. They utilize the Homogenized LBM. You can start by looking into the examples of (particles).


    Dear Javad,

    as Jijo pointed out, you could try to use HLBM by using the PorousParticleKupershtokhForcedBGKdynamics. Here you could use the force term as in the ForcedBGKdynamics in the multicomponent examples, while simultaneously including the particles.

    For the particulate flow the closest starting point would be the SettlingCubes3d example. However, it should also work to start with one of the multicomponent examples.

    Best regards,


    Hi, both Kupershtokh & ShanChen are multiphase treatment in lattice Boltzmann but they can also be used for forcing. For the context of PorousParticleKupershtokhForcedBGKdynamics and PorousParticleShanChenForcedBGKdynamics , it is used for forcing, not as the multiphase aspect. OpenLB does have the ShanChen93 multiphase implementation but I don’t think it supports particles.


    As pointed out by Jan, OpenLB does suport particle simulations!

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