Dear OLB developers:
I would like to use “ParticleDynamics2D<T, DESCRIPTOR>::checkAndRemoveEscaped()” in the example “dkt2d.cpp”.
My purpose is to remove the particles when they settle to the bottom:
1. Change the column bottom boundary condition to be pressure specified, instead of bounce-back type (which is used in the original code).
2. Change line #230 in “dkt2d.cpp” to be
” bool escapeFromDomain = true;
bool oldWallCollision = false;
Vector<T, 2> orig0(0,-converter.getPhysDeltaX() *1);
Vector<T, 2> ext0(lengthX,converter.getPhysDeltaX()*1);
std::shared_ptr<IndicatorF2D<T>> colBase = std::make_shared<IndicatorCuboid2D<T>>( ext0, orig0 );
ParticleDynamics2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> particle(sLattice, converter, superGeometry, colBase,escapeFromDomain,oldWallCollision, accExt);”
However, the particles are not expected to be removed when they settle to the bottom.
Can you please provide an example and validate the code “ParticleDynamics2D<T, DESCRIPTOR>::checkAndRemoveEscaped()”?
Junwei Guo