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Velocity gradient after time average

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Velocity gradient after time average

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  • #7967
    Fuxin He

    Dear OpenLB community,

    I have output the velocity gradient, but what I want is the velocity gradient after the time average, for example, the velocity gradient of the output time average velocity, I think I can not output the velocity gradient and then the time average, so I don’t know how to deal with it.

    SuperLatticePhysVelocityGradientFD3D<T, DESCRIPTOR> velgradient(superGeometry, sLattice, materialslist, converter);

    SuperLatticePhysVelocity3D<T, DESCRIPTOR> sVel(sLattice, converter);
    SuperLatticeTimeAveragedF3D<T> sAveragedVel(sVel);

    Fuxin He


    Sorry, but we don’t have the capacity to continuously help individual forum users with this persistent level of incremental questions.

    OpenLB is a framework that offers options and tools for many things but in the end you will have to start learning the concepts and how to use the code to full fill your exact requirements on your own time. We won’t piecewise write your entire simulation case for you.

    If you want such intensive and detailed support you could reach out to establish a common project where we both benefit. I also warmly invite you to attend our upcoming spring school where you can familiarize yourself with OpenLB in one week of hands-on-training. There is also an option for advanced users to get individual support there.

    Fuxin He

    Dear Adrian,

    I’m sorry to bring you trouble, I will consider your suggestion, thank you again for your help

    Fuxin He


    Dear Fuxin He,

    If you have the velocity vector as an output file, then I think you can use Techplot (Post visualization software) to get the time averaged contours.


    Fuxin He

    Dear Henderson,

    Thank you for your kind reply. I did calculate the velocity gradient based on the average velocity of the output, and then I wanted to try the output to the vtk file for verification, so there was this question.

    Fuxin He

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