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venturi3d example

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  • #1923

    Hi all,
    In the venturi3d example I see that the latticeL_ parameter is larger than charL_parameter. I think this can’t be. Right?
    Is it a bug or I’m mistakes?
    Thank you

    LBconverter<T> converter(
    ( int ) 3, // dim
    ( T ) 1./N, // latticeL_
    ( T ) 0.02/M, // latticeU_
    ( T ) 0.1, // charNu_
    ( T ) 0.1, // charL_ = 1
    ( T ) 2. // charU_ = 1


    Changing charL will chance the Re but not the results since charNu and therfore tau stays the same. Best Mathias

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