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Wake Turbulence (Reward for Help)

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Wake Turbulence (Reward for Help)

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    Hello LB Team,rnrnMy name is Kenyon Smith and I am a third year physics student. This is my first class where I have had to do coding in C++. I was wondering if you had any tips or maybe even models on how to transform the 2D cylinder into an airfoil(geometry). I saw under your “”show cases”” that the 2-d Cylinder looks exactly like the data I would like to present, minus the geometry of the cylinder (which i would like to change to a wing).rnrnrnIv have been having some trouble even after reading your guides on how to proceed with my problems.rnrnrnAny and all help is much a appreciated! If your able to clearly describe and help me fix my problems I would be happy to give out $50 USD to anyone who can help me overcome these problems. rnrnThanks everyone and anyone for your help.rnrnrnJohn


    Dear Kenyon33,rnrnTo prepare the geometry you have two options:rn1/ You prepare a 3d stl-surface mesh with a cad tool like “free cad” and proceed as in the cylinder3d example.rn2/ You define the object by hand, e.g. an indicator function (like an analytical function) that describes the airfoil. For it, you can copy the circle indicator in “src/functors/indicator.*”.rnrnBest regardsrnMathias rn


    Aloha Mathias,rnrnThis is my first C++ programing class but I am willing to learn anything when it comes to airplanes. They are my passion in life. I am researching and have already installed FreeCAD and am working on creating an airfoil. I am trying to create an image similar to that of your showcase( contributed by Latt about 2D flow past a cylinder. Any and all help is much appreciate. rnrnI will follow the steps you have provided me. Thank you again for your help.


    Gas-solid or liquid-solid simulation using OpenLBrnHI ,rnI want to simulation Gas-solid or liquid-solid flow in circulating fluidized bed using shan-chen model, can this be implemented. can you give me an example?rnthanks.rnshao


    Hi,rnrnhave a look at the example “”multiComponent3d””. There, Shan-Chen is used.rnrnBestrnMathiasrn

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