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what is the unit of maxVelocity in aorta3d?

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics what is the unit of maxVelocity in aorta3d?

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    Hi,rnrnI have a question about unit of the velocity parameters. In the void setboundaryvalues of aorta3d.cpp, rnCirclePoiseuille3D<T> velocity(superGeometry,3,maxVelocity[0]);rnWhat is the magnitude of maxVelocity? Is it a sine function? Is it possible to change it into a constant velocity?rnrnI checked the class of CirclePoiseuille3D, rn/// construct from material number, note: untestedrn CirclePoiseuille3D(SuperGeometry3D<T>& superGeometry_, int material_, T maxVelocity_, T scale_=1);rnWhat is the unit of the “”T max velocity”” please? rnrnThank you.


    Hi Ivychan,rnrnIn the aorta example the magnitute of maxVeleocity is “”converter.getLatticeU()””. It is a shifted sin function. The unit of maxVelocity is lattice units.rnrnBestrnMathias

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