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Zero force

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  • #2011

    I have created a simple test project. In my project I use ForcedMRTD3Q19Descriptor descriptor, periodical boundary conditions and constant force directed along z axis. Thus, I have a viscous gas in an uniform field. When I execute my program I get the following result: constant density and constant zero velocity. However, I expected to get a different result, namely non-zero constant velocity. So I wonder, where is a mistake in my program or in my way of thinking?


    Hi Kolotinsky,

    I would expect that the velocity is going to infinity since there is no counterforce (in a pipe the counterforce in the wall friction). Which dynamics are you using actually? You would need the forcedMRT ones.



    Dear Mathias,
    Of course, velocity must go to infinity, I missed up it yesterday. In my code I used forcedMRT dynamics.
    Here is my code

    #include “olb3D.h”
    #include “olb3D.hh” // use only generic version!
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iostream>

    using namespace olb;
    using namespace olb::descriptors;
    using namespace olb::graphics;
    using namespace std;

    typedef double T;
    #define DESCRIPTOR ForcedMRTD3Q19Descriptor

    // Parameters for the simulation setup
    const int maxIter = 2000;
    const int nx = 30;
    const int ny = 30;
    const int nz = 30;

    // Stores geometry information in form of material numbers
    void prepareGeometry( SuperGeometry3D<T>& superGeometry ) {

    OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”prepareGeometry” );
    clout << “Prepare Geometry …” << std::endl;

    // Sets material number for fluid
    superGeometry.rename( 0,1 );

    // Removes all not needed boundary voxels outside the surface
    // Removes all not needed boundary voxels inside the surface


    clout << “Prepare Geometry … OK” << std::endl;

    // Set up the geometry of the simulation
    void prepareLattice( SuperLattice3D<T, DESCRIPTOR>& sLattice,
    Dynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR>& bulkDynamics1,
    SuperGeometry3D<T>& superGeometry ) {

    // Material=1 –>bulk dynamics
    sLattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, 1, &bulkDynamics1 );

    // Initial conditions

    std::vector<T> v( 3,T() );
    AnalyticalConst3D<T,T> zeroVelocity( v );
    AnalyticalConst3D<T,T> Rho( 1. );

    // Initialize force

    std::vector<T> force(3, T());
    force[0] = 0;
    force[1] = 0;
    force[2] = 0.00075;

    //olb::BlockVTIreader3D< T,BaseType > datareader(“forcefield.vti”,”ForceField”);
    //BlockDataF3D<T, BaseType> blockfield(datareader.getBlockData());
    //AnalyticalF3D<T,T>* field;
    //field = new SpecialAnalyticalFfromBlockF3D<T,T>(blockfield, datareader.getCuboid(),spacing);
    AnalyticalConst3D<T,T> constant(force);
    sLattice.defineExternalField( superGeometry, 1,
    DESCRIPTOR<T>::ExternalField::sizeOfForce, constant );

    // Initialize all values of distribution functions to their local equilibrium
    sLattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, 1, Rho, zeroVelocity );
    sLattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, 1, Rho, zeroVelocity );

    // Make the lattice ready for simulation

    //delete field;
    //field = 0;

    // Output to console and files
    void getResults( SuperLattice3D<T, DESCRIPTOR>& sLattice, int iT,
    SuperGeometry3D<T>& superGeometry, Timer<T>& timer ) {

    OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”getResults” );

    SuperVTMwriter3D<T> vtmWriter( “ionwake3d” );
    SuperLatticeDensity3D<T, DESCRIPTOR> density( sLattice );
    vtmWriter.addFunctor( density );

    const int statIter = 1;

    // Writes output on the console
    if ( iT%statIter==0 ) {
    // Timer console output
    timer.update( iT );

    // Lattice statistics console output
    sLattice.getStatistics().print( iT,iT );

    int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

    // === 1st Step: Initialization ===
    olbInit( &argc, &argv );
    singleton::directories().setOutputDir( “./tmp/” );
    OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”main” );

    const T omega1 = 0.0041;

    // === 2rd Step: Prepare Geometry ===

    const int noOfCuboids = 1;

    CuboidGeometry3D<T> cuboidGeometry( 0, 0, 0, 1, nx, ny, nz, noOfCuboids );

    // Periodic boundaries in x- and y- and z-direction
    cuboidGeometry.setPeriodicity( true, true, true );

    // Instantiation of a loadBalancer
    HeuristicLoadBalancer<T> loadBalancer( cuboidGeometry );

    // Instantiation of a superGeometry
    SuperGeometry3D<T> superGeometry( cuboidGeometry,loadBalancer,2 );

    prepareGeometry( superGeometry );

    // === 3rd Step: Prepare Lattice ===
    SuperLattice3D<T, DESCRIPTOR> sLattice( superGeometry );

    ForcedMRTdynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR> bulkDynamics1 ( omega1, instances::getBulkMomenta<T, DESCRIPTOR>() );

    prepareLattice( sLattice, bulkDynamics1, superGeometry );

    // === 4th Step: Main Loop ===
    int iT = 0;
    clout << “starting simulation…” << endl;
    Timer<T> timer( maxIter, superGeometry.getStatistics().getNvoxel() );

    //std::vector<T> spacing(3, T());
    //spacing[0] = 1;
    //spacing[1] = 1;
    //spacing[2] = 1;
    for ( iT = 0; iT < maxIter; ++iT ) {

    // === 5th Step: Collide and Stream Execution ===
    //olb::BlockVTIreader3D< T,BaseType > datareader(“forcefield.vti”,”ForceField”);
    //BlockDataF3D<T, BaseType> blockfield(datareader.getBlockData());
    //AnalyticalF3D<T,T>* field;
    //field = new SpecialAnalyticalFfromBlockF3D<T,T>(blockfield, datareader.getCuboid(),spacing);
    //sLattice.defineExternalField( superGeometry, 1,
    // DESCRIPTOR<T>::ExternalField::forceBeginsAt,
    // DESCRIPTOR<T>::ExternalField::sizeOfForce, *field );
    //delete field;
    //field = 0;

    // === 7th Step: Computation and Output of the Results ===
    getResults( sLattice, iT, superGeometry, timer );


    Best regards,


    You dont do collideAndStream. In you code I see:




    Oh, thank you very much, such a stupid mistake!

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