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Dear Fuxin He,
If you have the velocity vector as an output file, then I think you can use Techplot (Post visualization software) to get the time averaged contours.
Henderson_CParticipantHello Adrian,
Thank you for your reply. I have add the force field but I still don’t observe any convective transport (Change in velocity). My approach was based on the Poiseuille Flow 2D Test case (Flowtype forced):
/// Code snippet
// Prepare Lattice
T Ly = converter.getLatticeLength( charL/2. );
std::vector<T> poiseuilleForce( 2,T() );
poiseuilleForce[0] = 2.*converter.getLatticeViscosity()* converter.getCharLatticeVelocity() / ( Ly*Ly ); // This rule came from fully developed flow for parallel plate
AnalyticalConst2D<T,T> force( poiseuilleForce );// Initialize force
NSlattice.defineField<FORCE>(bulkIndicator, force);
NSlattice.defineField<FORCE>(superGeometry.getMaterialIndicator({2,5}), force);
// End of the codeI have tried the forcedBGK dynamics and it worked but I want to use the porousparticleBGK dynamics. Any suggestions?
Henderson_CParticipantDear Jan,
Thank you for your reply. You have been very helpful and I really appreciate it. I am aware of the variable (accExt) but how can I impose it to the particle manager at certain time step after initially setting it in the simulation?
For example: The particle density at time = 0 is 1 but after 10 seconds the particle will have a density of 0.8.
Code snippet:
T newDensity = 0.8;
particle.template setField<PHYSPROPERTIES,MASS>( newDensity*M_PI*radiusP*radiusP );
accExt[1] = -9.81 * (1. – 1. / newDensity);Best regards,
March 31, 2023 at 7:39 pm in reply to: Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method) #7345Henderson_CParticipantDear Jan,
When will the next release be accessible? I am currently working on my masters thesis, so the matter of time is critical to me.
March 30, 2023 at 8:20 pm in reply to: Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method) #7342Henderson_CParticipantDear Fedor,
I am not developer not I am expert in c++ but to understand correctly, I need to modify the ParticleManager constructor to accept the periodicity vector as an argument, and initialize the periodicity member variable with it. Is that correct? When you mention the parameters, what do you mean exactly? I am really confused on how to solve my issue.
Your continuous support is really appreciated.
Regards,March 30, 2023 at 2:09 pm in reply to: Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method) #7340Henderson_CParticipantDear Fedor,
By that you mean modify the source code (src/particles/particlemanager) with the periodicity vector?
March 30, 2023 at 12:39 pm in reply to: Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method) #7337Henderson_CParticipantDear Fedor,
Yes, similar to one used in dkt2d example.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Henderson_C.
March 29, 2023 at 8:49 pm in reply to: Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method) #7335Henderson_CParticipantDear Fedor,
I am not using the super particle system. I am simply using the single particle simulation. The particle is flowing through a channel with an inlet and outlet. To achieve fully hydrodynamic condition, I set the periodicity in the x-direction to be true (cuboidGeometry.setPeriodicity(false, true)). I thought once I enable this feature, any flow interruption due to the particle motion (Brownian motion) beside the outlet will be shown in the inlet of the channel. But that is not the case.
March 29, 2023 at 8:13 pm in reply to: Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method) #7332Henderson_CParticipantDear Fedor,
I want the particle to move to the flow inlet when it passes through the flow domain outlet. I have set the periodicity to true, but when the particle touches the outlet, it sticks to the outlet wall.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Henderson_C.
March 29, 2023 at 4:19 pm in reply to: Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method) #7328Henderson_CParticipantDear Fedor,
Can you show me both implementations as I am now indecisive of which method to use.
March 29, 2023 at 4:09 pm in reply to: Periodic Outlet Boundary Conditions ( nonequilibrium extrapolation method) #7326Henderson_CParticipantDear Fedor,
Thank you for replying. Can you elaborate on the difference between them?
Henderson_CParticipantDear Jan,
Its unfortunate to hear that. Is there a way to change the particle parameters such as the acceleration or the position during the simulations using a certain function?
February 19, 2023 at 11:39 am in reply to: Heat transfer liquid-solid and heat conduction in solids #7208Henderson_CParticipantDear Fedor,
I have modified the function to include a certain temperature at certain location, but the problem is that I do not see the temperature change when I visualize it in Paraview. What I understand from the above code, is that for a certain cell I can change the “Temperature” of a cell to a certain value.
February 16, 2023 at 4:09 pm in reply to: Heat transfer liquid-solid and heat conduction in solids #7204Henderson_CParticipantDear Fedor,
Thank you for our prompt reply. Instead of calculating or obtaining the velocity or temperature in a certain material number, I want to impose a heat source at certain space and time during the streaming and collision steps. However I am not sure if this is done through a source term.
Best regards,
February 14, 2023 at 3:51 pm in reply to: Heat transfer liquid-solid and heat conduction in solids #7194Henderson_CParticipantDear FBukreev,
Regarding the source term, how can I access and modify the source code? For example, I tried to look for the source term in the galliummelting2d example. But I was not able to locate it. Please guide me on how can I add the heat flux source term.